Bright Orange Future

Billy Bambrough #007

Episode Summary

Freelance journalist and Forbes crypto beat writer Billy Bambrough dials in from London.

Episode Notes

The Bright Orange Future welcomes journalist Billy Bambrough to the show live from London.

2:50 Billy introduces himself. He's followed bitcoin from the early days and has been perceived as both insider and outsider.

8:39 Mr. Billy tells the story of an art dealer in London who has transitioned from brokering art to brokering bitcoin.

15:00 Cory asks Billy about the cultural moment especially in regards to the media industry.

21:54 Matt asks Billy how he came to be a reporter for Forbes and how he approaches reporting on bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Billy has no bitcoin but Cory explains that Billy is simply very long on bitcoin!

32:45 Cory asks about ways media companies might make money in the future.

40:00 All you need is 10,000 fans!

42:00 Led Zeppelin